Find out more about some of the organisations that we aim to support, either with financial assistance or volunteers.
Lviv Volunteer Kitchen
Shelter Domivka
Soloma Cats
Stepanivka Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation
Swamp Brotherhood
International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine
Kamianets Podilskyi
Kyiv Kitchen Ants
The above is list of NGOs and/or individuals operating in Ukraine in respect of which it has been established that satisfactory standards of efficiency in use of funds and treatment of volunteers apply. This list will be updated regularly according to available information. If any organisation or individual wishes to be included on this list, they should write to us at Likewise if any individual objects to their presence upon this list, they should email explaining in full particularity with legal and factual grounds the basis for their complaint, which we aim to be evaluated and adjudicated with reasons in writing within 14 working days of receipt.