Ukrainian Reconstruction
The principal work of the Foundation for Development with effect from Autumn / Fall 2023 is to create the necessary institutional and financial structures, working with both the public and the private sectors domestically and abroad, to assist the reconstruction of Ukraine that has been so damaged by the Russian invasion that began not in 2022 but in fact in 2014. So far this has been undertaken by a network of international and domestic volunteers and this network is in urgent need of financial support, adequate resources and international financing, to streamline their operations.
In the last ten years, whole cities and regions have effectively disappeared, being wiped off the map through Russian occupation and then withdrawal. Vast swathes of large cities have been depopulated, particularly but not only in the east of the country. Ukraine remains with very significant problems of refugees and internally displaced persons, and those victims of war are not going to return to their former places of residence until they have been rebuilt.
At the same time, standards of governance in Ukraine fall far below European standards, and every aspect of Ukrainian social institutions, from the courts to local government to central government, public hospitals, public schools, law enforcement and all other public structures, need dramatic renovation and reform.
Ukraine's infrastructure is under stress. The country's highways are mostly of poor quality and have been damaged by wartime use. The country's railway system is admirable in its fortitude during war, but the rolling stock is out of date and the system needs comprehensive restructuring to be integrated into Europe's system of high-speed, long-distance trains.
Banking standards and regulation in Ukraine fall far below international standards, making export and commerce - the essential economic lifeblood of contemporary Ukraine - far more difficult than they ought to be.
Residential accommodation is in need of renovation across the country to meet twenty-first century standards. Both heavy and light industry facilities need modernising and renovating. Basic household utilities, such as electricity and water supplies, need upgrading to meet modern European standards.
The objectives of the Foundation for Development are to coordinate public and private funds with the institutions inside and outside Ukraine that can drive changes in these areas, and thereby help Ukraine in becoming a modern twenty-first century European state.

The photographs on this website are of the international volunteer community assisting Ukrainian people within Ukraine at war. If you find an image of yourself on this website as a volunteer and you do not wish your image to appear on this website, then please email us at contact@development-foundation.org.
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